News — artist run gallery
My reel that went viral on Facebook!!
Yes, you read that right ... randomly, this reel that I created on Instagram, and automatically posted to my Facebook page now has 699,000 views (and counting!). CRAZY!A few trolls have commented, but I have thick skin, haha!
'Road Trip: Luna Park, Melbourne'
I hope you enjoy the progress of my latest finished tapestry!
Cutting Mr Moon off the loom!

Woohoo, excited to have cut this one off the loom!That same day, I warped up my loom for the next one ... stay tuned!

Next in line for ‘this idea is either dumb or genius’: I present to you: "Queeriosities" 🌈!OK, so I had this fabric that I had woven, and I wanted to have another go making a sculpture, after the lols of the giant scrunchie ;)So what the hell are they? They are representations of me! Queer, weird, neurodiverse, misfit, flamboyant, and pretty silly. But they are also you! Each piece stands tall like a totem pole, representing the strength and resilience of the LGBTQ+ community, allies, and all my fellow weirdos and misfits 🗿🌈Now I just have to figure out how...
Queeriosities in The Haunting exhibition

Here they are - I brought them into the gallery on the weekend, and the general consensus was to lean them against the wall!Also, everyone who entered my studio laughed at them … so I consider that a WIN!We have a group exhibition called ‘The Haunting: 5 Years of Collective Haunt’ - I’d love to see you there, the exhibition is on until 15 July :)Bringing together studio artists from Collective Haunt, as well as some of our friends, it is a great exhibition, intended as a one-stop-shop for all your art shopping needs :DYou’ll find my Queeriosities for sale there,...