News — tapestry loom
Cutting a tapestry off the loom!

It's always exciting cutting a tapestry off the loom!
My reel that went viral on Facebook!!
Yes, you read that right ... randomly, this reel that I created on Instagram, and automatically posted to my Facebook page now has 699,000 views (and counting!). CRAZY!A few trolls have commented, but I have thick skin, haha!
'Road Trip: The Murray Bridge Bunyip'

‘Road Trip: The Murray Bridge Bunyip’After about 140 hours of weaving (and a few more hours of finishing the hem to go) - here she is in all her glory!This tapestry will be included in my Summer Solstice collection that will be released in December, but please DM me (or share with someone who you think may want her!) if you are interested in giving Bertha a new home :D
'Road Trip: Luna Park, Melbourne'
I hope you enjoy the progress of my latest finished tapestry!
Perfectionism part 1

I was listening to a podcast about perfectionism the other day.Yes, I am totally a perfectionist … though it’s probably part of my neurodiversity, but I am very well aware that I have obsessive tendencies, and need everything to be ‘just so’ before I can let go of them. Yes, I am that person who cannot work in a messy room, and lines up items in a certain way ;)So why the hell did I choose tapestry as my medium? Tapestry is a perfectionist’s nightmare. When I started, I was told that ‘you have to be doing tapestry for at least...