News — rainbow
Handwoven fabric

It's so satisfying cutting handwoven fabric off the loom - this is what I have been weaving lately!

Next in line for ‘this idea is either dumb or genius’: I present to you: "Queeriosities" 🌈!OK, so I had this fabric that I had woven, and I wanted to have another go making a sculpture, after the lols of the giant scrunchie ;)So what the hell are they? They are representations of me! Queer, weird, neurodiverse, misfit, flamboyant, and pretty silly. But they are also you! Each piece stands tall like a totem pole, representing the strength and resilience of the LGBTQ+ community, allies, and all my fellow weirdos and misfits 🗿🌈Now I just have to figure out how...
Rainbows on the loom ...

I couldn’t resist! :D Usually my warps are just black … but this one deserved its own photo!Trust me, it’s just as delicious after weaving too. You can find the finished product HERE!

Next up on the loom!I haven’t made these scarves for quite a while, so now is the time to restock!I have tweaked the design a bit, and after Bowerbird I will add to the LGBTQIA+ range :DYou can find all my delicious scarves in stock HERE on my website - or come and visit me at the Bowerbird Design Market from 5-7 May at Wayville Showgrounds!