
Studio Still Life

Studio Still Life

Studio still life :DI LOVE my little studio at Collective Haunt - it is my oasis of calm, and I surround myself with my favourite artworks. And yes, I AM a neat freak, not apologising for that :DYou can find me here most Saturdays, so come and visit between 11 and 4!

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Thanks for the reviews!

Thanks for the reviews!

Thank you thank you thank yooooooou!!!You don’t know how much it means to me to have your lovely reviews (especially 5 star ones, heh heh!).Did you know that you get a 15% discount code when you leave a review? If you have left one, and didn’t get the code, please message me so I can send to you :)I also have my business on Google, so you can leave a review there if you so wish!

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All the new scarves in the shop!

All the new scarves in the shop!

Modelling the new scarves in the shop!What’s your favourite? Let me know in the comments!Mine is the Magenta … though I think the Sage is a very close second ;)You can find them in the shop!

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Artworks added to website

Artworks added to website

Shop update!Yes, I have now listed all the unsold works from the TEXTural exhibition, so if you have had your eye on a piece (or two!), you can find them on my website!I have reduced all the small hand cut x-ray words to $90 AUD, so come over and be motivated!

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Shop Update! Dusty Pink deliciousness ...

Shop Update! Dusty Pink deliciousness ...

Another scarf added to the website!I’m making a pile of these pastel ones for Bowerbird coming up in May … I get the feeling these are going to be popular colours this year :)Of course, I’m very happy if they sell beforehand … I’ll just have to weave some more!You can find all the delicious colours on my website!

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